Renowned Zambian musician Dandy Krazy, whose real name was Wesley Chibambo, has tragically passed away following a road accident on New Year’s Eve. The 47-year-old artist was traveling in the Kapiri Mposhi region when his vehicle collided with a truck and another car. The crash resulted in three immediate fatalities. Dandy Krazy was urgently transported to the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, where he succumbed to his injuries in the early hours of Thursday.
President Hakainde Hichilema paid tribute to the late musician, describing him as an “extraordinary artist” whose music and charisma transcended boundaries and united people. Dandy Krazy’s daughter, Comfort, expressed her grief, noting the poignant timing of her father’s passing on her sister Shanice’s birthday.
Dandy Krazy was celebrated for his impactful use of music as a medium for political commentary. His song “Donchi Kubeba” played a significant role in the Patriotic Front’s victory in the 2011 elections, ending a two-decade rule by the Movement for Multiparty Democracy. The track highlighted issues of wealth disparity and limited opportunities in Zambia. In recognition of his contributions, former President Michael Sata honored him with the Grand Commander of the Order of Freedom.
Among his other notable works are the hit “Chintelelwe” and collaborations like “Chipuba Chandi” with Indi K and “Temperature” with Uniq. The Zambian government has announced plans to assist with funeral expenses for Dandy Krazy and the other victims of the collision.
The loss of Dandy Krazy has left a profound void in Zambia’s music industry and among his fans, who admired his talent and his dedication to addressing societal issues through his art.
For those interested in learning more about Dandy Krazy’s life and career, here is an in-depth interview where he discusses various aspects of his journey: